About Us

About Us

Business concept from 
Coin Laundry
Our Laundromat is the optimal solution to all washing, drying and ironing problems. This applies both to multi-person households and to single People.
  • The specially developed programs for our fully electronically controlled washing machines ensure that the customer has exactly the temperature he needs for his laundry. By treating the water in our laundrette is only washed with softened water. This ensures optimal cleanliness and protection of the laundry.
  • IIn our laundromat we use biodegradable washing powder specially developed for our washing machines, taking into account the short washing time of an average of 30 minutes. This ensures an optimal washing result.
  • Our laundrette offers high-performance machines the opportunity to bring cheap, fast and easy after 60 minutes ready to move clothes, including drying and ironing; no matter if you have one or five washing machines or dryers at the same time.
  • We spare you half-day laundry days at home, trouble with defective household washing machines and the annoying hanging of textiles for drying in living rooms. Also, the space for the washing machines can be used elsewhere.
  • Our Laundromat is located in the popular "area", you have the possibility to do your shopping there after a laundromat or to enjoy a coffee in one of the many surrounding cafes.

The "Neighborhood" - and in between your laundry

o boredom while your laundry gets clean. The "neighborhood" - a lively neighborhood with lots of atmosphere: chic restaurants and iconic pubs, exclusive fashion and second-hand, latte macchiato and canned beer, street art and cultural mile.

Shopping in the Ostertor and Steintor
Shopping with "scene ambience" - that's what the district (Ostertor / Steintor) offers. A district that is characterized by particularly smart shops - or very special, such as a spice and herb shop, whose operation is run in the fourth generation. The decor is still from the Art Nouveau period. Over 300 numerous cozy cafes, bars and pubs, small bistros and international restaurants, lovingly run retail stores, delicatessen and diverse grocery stores invite you to steal, marvel and shop in the open air.
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